Saturday, February 24, 2007


I really can't think of a damn thing to say right now.

Multimedia message

Finally... The Truckers on my blog! I love this new feature. Took this on my phone last may with a big whiskey in one hand and an overflowing heart. It's great to be alive.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Multimedia message

Oh boy... Testing this new blog feature. If it works i'll be able to post things from my phone. Neato! My fingers are crossed.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


This was a couple years ago. He was casting his line, full of hope. He still talks about this day and the fact he caught a carp. He thought it was the most beautiful fish in the world. I guess for a day a carp can accept that award. Just for a day.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Ah, the food chain in action: Minnow - Walleye - Beer soaked ice fisherman.
Atman, you would have been proud.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


A post or two ago I used the bottom gargoyle to express a feeling of being cheated. And you know what? I did feel cheated; still do. But when I pulled back the crop and looked at the whole picture, the warm arm skin squishing that bitter face, it doesn't seem so bad. "No one can hurt you but yourself." You can shore up against the outside, but your insides might be a more formidable foe. I sure like that realization. So, I've been gone a while, but it sure feels good to be back.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Breathing is good.