Friday, June 29, 2007




Thursday, June 28, 2007


The princess took this one.



Monday, June 25, 2007

Multimedia message

Love you jack!

(had some technical difficulties posting from my phone, but I think it's all worked out now. This is during Comfest last weekend in Columbus, OH. Everyone should go to Comfest at least once in his life)


I like these Ohio nights.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Multimedia message

Love you jack

Friday, June 22, 2007


It's a great day to get married... cheers to Brent and Maria.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Oh you gotta be kidding me... I can put video on this thing now! HA!


When you're a princess you don't find much of a reason to put your face underwater; never done it before so why start now? However, when you're having a battle of will and love with your uncle, you clamp up your nose and mouth, squish your eyes together and go for it, maybe just to prove a point to him. Regardless of the reason, she crossed that hurdle of childhood which is much cause for celebration!


Spent an afternoon in the Andy Warhol museum in Pittsburgh. Apparently he loved silver for many, many reasons. This particular exhibit was a small space filled with silver helium clouds floating randomly around the room. Some people glanced in and hurriedly moved away and some people walked right in among the floating silver pillows. We chose the latter approach. You could argue all day whether this is art or not, but I think that's the whole point. All I know is it sure was fun to have our heads in the clouds.


A special post for my good friend Jim Minder. Couldn't believe how much I wanted to smoke after this picture.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


There were certain times during this bike ride in the mountains of Virginia when I thought, "What in the living hell are we doing?" Should we really be flying down these thin, tree lined paths, screaming with glee at the top of our lungs? The answer to that question is a resounding yes. Cheers.


I'm fairly certain the key to life is having an oversized blowup pool in your backyard. Seriously.


Ha. Two very, very happy fathers.


Father's Day. I don't put a shitload of stock in days like today. But you know, it tugs at your heart, especially when your kid is several states away. This morning my sister asked what I admire most about my own dad. Anyone who knows V knows the answer to that question: Generosity. My dad understands selflessness. Well, maybe he doesn't even understand it, he just feels it. He is his family and his family is him, but in an amazingly quiet and unspoken manner. I know I'm a good dad but I also know without this guy, I'd be clueless.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Made it to Ohio. My hosts kick ass.


Dave. I think I can call him Dave because I've known him for so long. Well, I don't really know him. Actually I've never meet him, but I'm still going to call him Dave and I don't really think he'd care. I'm just happy I got the chance to take this picture. Anyway, Dave. On my drive to Iowa, streaming down highway 52 in my efficient orange car, jacked up on coffee and anticipation, I listened to Dave a little closer than usual. "I try not to forget about what hasn't happened yet and on this I place my last bet." That's really a super line. It really is. Maybe it's because I drive an efficient orange car, but then again maybe not.


I sat at this rail station after a fabulous early summer Minneapolis music festival, waiting for the southbound train. It was my last weekend in the city for the summer; bittersweet but excellent. I love that city, but all signs say it's time to bug out for a while.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


Our last picture together for two months.
His journey started two days ago, mine starts today. Here we go... Doors wide open.
To start, I think I'll shave.