Thursday, July 26, 2007


I seem to be getting lots of feedback about Miss Rita, so here's a quick update.
After hearing the Miss Rita story a friend donated a box of food for her. I stopped by her house every day for a week but she was never home. Finally last week when I knocked, the door cracked open and I saw her familiar face peeking out at me. I told her I had some food if she was interested and she let me in immediately, thanking me the whole time, of course. There were two other people in the house with her, installing a brand spanking new air conditioner.
As I walked out of the house through the freshly cut grass I heard the air conditioner man say, "Miss Rita, he's a little bit young for you, isn't he?" She said, "I may be old, but I haven't lost my touch." No, she has not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That just the 13 you know about.

7/27/2007 1:29 PM  

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