Thursday, October 26, 2006


Yeah, it's been a while, but I'm back.
You know, you can't ever go back to where you've been. You can relive the journey and embrace the familiarity while noticing the differences. Retracing the past is a good thing I think, as long as you're not searching for something that used to exist. As a bad country singer and my wise sister always say, time marches on.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


This one is for you, Atman.
There's tons of pink at the end of the road.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Tomorrow we're taking a trip to Iowa to hang with the family. Three generations converging for two days of conversation, food and Old Style Light. The person above is the smallest member of the party, but what she lacks in size she makes up for in spirit. It will be an emotional journey to a city that's going to feel completely different to me, but I'm ready. I just want to make it in and out of town with my heart intact. Cheers.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


See this thing? It somehow sprung a leak and slowly released water onto my kitchen floor. I discovered the water crawling out from under my refrigerator in a wide, slow moving mass. It looked a lot like a scene from a horror movie, right before somebody opens the door to find her boyfriend's severed head in the vegetable crisper. Except this was water creeping across my floor, not blood, which was probably fortunate for me. Anyway, this little piece of malfunctioning plastic and metal ran me $104.59 in replacement costs. For that price I can't really throw it away. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Minnesota Wild 4
Vancouver Canucks 3

Sweet sweet victory.

Monday, October 09, 2006


I saw the damn thing coming. It was sliding at a perfect angle toward my stick as I moved toward the net. How could it be so perfect? The goalie was down, the net was open; wide open like a big smiling mouth and the puck was coming my way. Since I started playing this game a year and a half ago I've been waiting for this moment. Tonight my chance at the elusive one timer was at hand. It was just so easy; the puck was sliding, not bouncing or rolling. I was in control, well balanced and poised. I wound up for my moment of glory and let fly with with all my years of closet hockey star might. This was my time. Then I heard it; the distinct sound of vulcanized rubber meeting solid metal. It was the post. I hit the freaking post. Son of a bitch.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Sunday nights are a little rough when it comes to this situation. Rainy fall nights make it pretty clear I'd really rather not be alone. Well, more specifically, I'd rather not be without this. Bummer. But hey, it's great to be alive.


It's become apparent that I have an audience! Three of whom I love and one stranger. While I'm thrilled at this realization, it brought a very interesting concept to the forefront: I have an audience. I mean, people read this. Chances are, nobody in the picture above will ever see a single word I publish. But then again, they might. Kicking that around in my head makes me a little self conscious about what I commit to the screen in a public forum. As I see it, there are two options. One, I keep it surface level. Or two, I put myself on the line, reservations be damned. I guess I'll go with the latter because, well, what the hell. If I'm trying to stir my creative soul through this process I might as well use a big spoon. So for better or worse, honesty will be my chosen path. Speaking of which, click below for a sample of rock so beautifully and dangerously honest it inspires me to take a chance. Is music like this dead and gone? God, I hope not. And I formally appologize to my readers for missing my deadline yesterday. That's almost as bad as missing an extra point in overtime. Poor Gophers.

Friday, October 06, 2006



/hɛft/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[heft] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. weight; heaviness: It was a rather flimsy chair, without much heft to it.
2. significance or importance.
3. Archaic. the bulk or main part.
–verb (used with object)
4. to test the weight of by lifting and balancing: He hefted the spear for a few moments, and then flung it at the foe.
5. to heave; hoist.

"He hefted the spear for a few moments, and then flung it at the foe." I can't decide whether that phrase inspires me or scares me shitless.

For an auditory definition of heft, click here and follow these directions: The slash before the letters dbt in this url will turn into a period. Change the period back to a slash and hit return. I have no idea why this happens or how I figured it out, just trust me. Ok, go; it's worth it.


Thursday, October 05, 2006

October 5

I need a creative outlet. Here's my idea: One picture and one thought every day.
Today I'm wondering about my audience; who is it? Am I writing to somebody? For somebody? Maybe that will emerge later. At this point all I know is that was one hell of a catch.