Sunday, October 08, 2006


It's become apparent that I have an audience! Three of whom I love and one stranger. While I'm thrilled at this realization, it brought a very interesting concept to the forefront: I have an audience. I mean, people read this. Chances are, nobody in the picture above will ever see a single word I publish. But then again, they might. Kicking that around in my head makes me a little self conscious about what I commit to the screen in a public forum. As I see it, there are two options. One, I keep it surface level. Or two, I put myself on the line, reservations be damned. I guess I'll go with the latter because, well, what the hell. If I'm trying to stir my creative soul through this process I might as well use a big spoon. So for better or worse, honesty will be my chosen path. Speaking of which, click below for a sample of rock so beautifully and dangerously honest it inspires me to take a chance. Is music like this dead and gone? God, I hope not. And I formally appologize to my readers for missing my deadline yesterday. That's almost as bad as missing an extra point in overtime. Poor Gophers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, where did the name of your blog come from anyway: Why Not?

10/09/2006 9:20 AM  

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