Friday, July 27, 2007


This morning I went down the street to Burger King for my morning coffee. I like to sit and sip their brew, write in my journal or talk to my mom on the phone. While sitting there today I heard a voice behind me ask if I was working somewhere. I said no, just volunteering. I turned around and came face to face with a local guy. 33, he told me, unemployed and three kids. Tough times but he'll bounce back. At this point my bullshit radar kicked in. I've heard this story before, then been asked for bus fare, money for shoes or a couple bucks for beer. I'm used to it and don't really mind, but I generally don't pay much attention. You'd go crazy if you did. He went on to say his truck broke down, but he had a plan to fix the fuel pump then get back out to pick up loads of refrigerators and washing machines to earn scrap metal money. It's not his first choice how to earn money, but he wants to provide for his kids. It's only temporary and he'll bounce back because he has a plan. He had a different tone than I'm used to hearing, so I turned around and started listening more closely. He talked about growing up in the neighborhood, five siblings and no dad, something he'd never allow to happen to his kids. He'd mow lawn to help earn money for his mom and did laundry in the bathtub. He ate powdered eggs and milk but it didn't slow him down on the football field. Times are hard he said, but he'll bounce back. He told me about fishing with his kids and I told him about playing hockey with Jack. It turned into a conversation between two dads, two friends. We parted ways after a half hour, shaking hands warmly. I told him to hug his kids for me and to hang in there because he'll bounce back. He said he'll keep at it and it just felt good to talk to somebody.
I learned sometimes things aren't what you expect; a very valuable lesson at an unexpected time and place.


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