Monday, July 30, 2007


I went down to Cajun country this weekend and took a fan-boat swamp tour. Here is my mode of transportation for the day. That's Taco, my guide. Taco was a heck of a nice guy. He drove the hell out of that boat both on and off the water and told stories the whole time. I didn't understand a damn word he said, but they must have been great because he sure laughed a lot. I guess when you stick an airplane engine on the back of a flat boat and drive it a million miles an hour, life can be pretty entertaining. I have a video of how he got this thing into the water which I'll post next week when I get to a better computer. After witnessing the whole process, I nervously turned to my companion and said, "What fucking planet are we on?" At the moment, I was quite serious. But after a couple Budweisers and some fried gator I felt like I fit right in. Yep.

The Cypress trees in the swamp are very, very cool.


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