Thursday, August 23, 2007


First there was Ray Nitschke, then there was Brian Urlacher, then came A.J. Hawk... Now it's time for the new generation to strap it on...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I saw some fabulous music down there in New Orleans. On my last day I went to a jazz festival honoring Louis Armstrong's birthday. It was outstanding but I have to admit, I just don't really get jazz. It sort of makes me nervous; so many chords in such a little space. Getting back to the Midwest and the basics of three chords and a dream put my mind at ease. However, as much as I don't get these guys, I sure wish I could look as cool as them.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


This post is different. This is not Charlie. It's Jack. Surprise! Surprise!
These are pictures of my puppy Zoey. She looks cute but whenever you go on the floor without the camera (she's scared of it) she'll pounce on you and bite you until you leave. The first picture at the top she was attacking me, she just stopped because of the camera. She's vicious I tell you, vicious! Even though she bites a lot she can be cuddly and relaxing.
I know one thing for sure though, she's lucky she's cute.

I give her some nicknames sometimes. Here are some of them: Princess pee, little girl, baby girl, Zoey lou, and plain old Zoey.


Hey, I forgot about this. Back in December, long before I had the idea of going to New Orleans this summer, I posted this picture of my sister and I sitting on these steps with our feet in the Mississippi during a spring trip to that city in 2005. I was recalling our journey and contemplating what happened to this spot post hurricane. I happily returned to find it fully intact and equally beautiful. I did my best to recreate the pose but you will notice one very important difference in the pictures... In the recent version my feet are clearly visible above the water. This is because as I walked down the steps I noticed a large log floating in the muddy water. It was odd looking as I watched it drift toward me. Then to my surprise it turned left and swam out into the channel. The log was actually a very, very big gator swimming parallel to the shore looking for what I assume would be tourist feet dangling in the water. That city is full of all kinds of fun surprises.

Monday, August 20, 2007


My mother didn't like that last post at all. She thought it was way too negative and scary. I won't remove it because it reflects my mood at that moment, but rest assured I would never lob a grenade into a crowd of unsuspecting ladies wearing too much make-up. I love flowers and the soft underside of a puppy's chin. I'm gentle and peaceful, not a closet homicidal freak. Just wanted to clarify that for anyone who wondered.

Friday, August 17, 2007


I've been fighting with my damn cable company for the last week in a futile attempt to get the internet hooked up at my house. I've been less than successful so I have to do my computer work here at the coffee shop every day. I drink their mild cafe blend and sit in the corner with my headphones on, usually blocking out everything possible with some sort of angry music.

You know, humans are freaks. I can't help but notice the people around me right now and they're all fucking strange. There's a table of women to my left... I can't hear them, but I notice every mouth is moving at once. There's absolutely no listening going on, just pancake makeup and mouths moving. It's sort of a fascinating and terrifying thing.
My friend told me returning to suburban life is hard after being away for awhile. He says sociologists call it re-acclimation. All I know is I wish I had a grenade.
And I really wish the internet worked at my house.


We lost a very dear friend this summer. Sam, otherwise known as White Fang, finally cashed in his chips approximately six years after his vet gave him a weekend to live. By traditional standards he was an awful dog. He was moody, didn't like other animals, people or kids. More than once my sister had to tell children and parents, "No, really, he will bite." But to those who loved him he was a fluffy white gem; a family member with an endearing personality and an occasional smile for humans he loved. He will be missed by all those he touched, even those he touched with his teeth.
Rock on, Whitey.

Monday, August 13, 2007


We high fived as we crossed to border, rolled down the windows and yelled into the passing air, breathing in its freshness. Driving through the countryside looking at the sky over the greens of the August corn and soybeans, it felt like home. The sun seemed to be streaming down through the clouds just for us, beams shooting out like welcoming arms. We rolled into town, pumping our fists through the open sunroof to the beat of our favorite Flaming Lips song about two scientists racing side by side for the good of all mankind. Really, we are two scientists. Two months ago we left this place in separate directions with nothing but curiosity and determination. Yesterday we returned together with new perspectives and a mabe a new definition of "home".
This is not the end, faithful blog readers, the journey is far from over.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Multimedia message

Back on the road... Next stop Iowa!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Multimedia message

106 degrees in oklahoma...

Multimedia message

Texas is a long, long state

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I feel whole again.

Here's proof that I really am in Texas. Yes it's dead on the side of the road. No, I didn't eat it, although I can't say that didn't happen eventually.

What do you do when you're in Texas? You go to the damn Alamo!

Two good dogs.

I brought some Redfish and grilled it with Creole seasoning (now that I have Louisiana in my blood). Apparently his taste buds have grown along with the rest of him this summer because he ate the whole damn thing!

I showed up a day earlier than I was supposed to in an effort to surprise him. Walking up to the door I had a grand idea to take a picture of his reaction. I rang the doorbell and stepped aside, camera in hand. He bolted out the door and latched onto me, knocking the camera out of my hand as I attempted to snap the photo. It's a terrible picture, but it certainly captures the moment.
Yep, I feel whole again.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


On my way to Texas. Lots to write about, but that's gonna have to wait. I have one thing on my mind at this point and he's 10 years old with two months of growth I haven't seen. I'm gonna drive like hell to get to him.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Last night I was introduced to a guy at a really fancy bar. I shook his hand and said "Nice to see you." He was blind. God, I'm an idiot.

Friday, August 03, 2007


My last day of work here (front desk duty which explains the plethora of blog posts).
Went down to the levee last night and watched the sunset. I feel this place in my blood now and was told by a very reliable soul that once you feel it, you never lose it. I sure hope that's true.


A while ago while walking around the French Quarter I got caught in a Louisiana afternoon thunderstorm. They call it "fat rain" down here. A beautiful thing that has to be experienced instead of described. I ducked under an awning on a corner for a little shelter and ended up talking to this guy. His name is Uncle Louie and he's one hell of a snappy dresser.
I saw him a week or two later in a bar on Bourbon Street. When I'm missing home I go there and ask the house band to play Purple Rain. I guess I miss home a lot because now when I walk in I'm greeted by "Hey, Minnesota!" and it's not long before I hear the beautiful opening chord to my song. So there we sat, a white guy teary eyed about a Prince song and a black man dressed like Uncle Sam, drinking beer and talking about life.
I guess I don't really have a point to this story, other than a month ago this scenario would have surprised me. Now it seems quite regular and expected.


The human spirit is an amazing thing. These guys live existences and hardships I'll never know. Day in and day out, they struggle with absolutely no end in sight. I've talked about Ralph before; he's like the homeless Energizer Bunny. The other dude is Roy. One night last week I was hanging out talking to Roy about food. He appreciates the free food we serve every day and is genuinely thankful. He explained though, food is about taste, about preparation and spices and love. He told me about his method for grilling chicken, a true masterpiece in the eating experience. "I'll bring you some" he said as I walked away from the corner where he hangs out with the boys.
Two nights later I was serving dinner in the dining room. It was a Friday night and I had spent a few hours earlier enjoying happy hour at the bar down the street so I was hungry for something, not necessarily the homemade macaroni and cheese out of a big kettle. About 7:00 I saw Roy strolling through the door with a smile on his face and a plate in his hand. I'll be damned if he didn't bring me five pieces of his finest chicken. I tried to send it back with him knowing the boys on the corner needed it way more than me. He would have no part of that nonsense and walked back out the door with a satisfied groove in his step. I had a piece and shared the rest with my coworkers and a few lucky residents. And I'll be honest, it wasn't the greatest tasting chicken I've eaten, not really even close. It was though, hands down the best chicken I've ever had.

gone II

These pictures accompany the post entitled "gone" from July about the washed away neighborhood.

more video

This absolutely cracked me up. Amid rubble and destruction, never fear, the ice cream truck would appear...

My home sweet home; I'll miss her...


I can finally post some videos.... fun!

Taco launching the boat...

The easiest and most effective way to remove a ceiling...


It's good to enjoy the local wildlife. Not a lot of creatures to pet around here though, except the rats and stray cats, but they're too busy eating each other.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Rudy wanted a picture of Bourbon Street. Here it is, in all its glory. I took this after coming out of a strip joint with my new friends, Carl and Penia Feenia from Baton Rouge, which is almost as interesting as Charlie Varley from Minnesota. They were good guys who actually believed they had a shot at strippers. They really, really thought if they kept buying drinks the girls would like them more. I happily drank my 8 dollar beers and told them to knock it off. They wouldn't, so I left. Man, I'd hate to see Carl's credit card bill. Probably would be enough to fix his teeth. Cheers.