Thursday, October 18, 2007


I decided to take a slightly different angle for this post.
I love Minnesota. I mean really love it. I'm sitting in a laundromat on Lyndale Avenue, watching the slight rain through a big window and I couldn't possibly be more content. Not really because of anything specific other than the fact I feel embraced by my surroundings.
So here's my plan: I'm going to write all the things I love about this great state. I urge anyone who has thoughts of their own to send them to me, pictures included if you'd like. I'll compile a list and perhaps piece together a Minnesota love-fest post in the near future. You can either add comments to this or send stuff to the hotmail address on this blog. Yeah, I like this idea, let the love flow.
OK, here we go:

I love that on a random Saturday on mainstreet of a small town my kid can receive a hearty squeeze from the most famous mascot in Minnesota history. From the Land of Sky Blue Waters...

I love that while writing this it takes only one click of a button to play an all Minnesota mix on my itunes (which would, given the opportunity, play non-stop for 1.2 days).

I love that I received a ten cent discount on my cup of coffee this morning because I could clearly and proudly answer the question of the day, "What lake serves as the headwaters to the Mighty Mississippi?"

I love that after answering the above question I engaged in a five minute conversation with the man making my coffee, exchanging river stories and observations.

I love knowing that when an artist at a rock show in these parts says, "I gotta tell you, Minnesota is one of my all time favorite places to play", he's telling the truth.

I love that a group of eleven elementary school kids playing hockey on the January ice in any given neighborhood park could most likely give high school teams from the surrounding forty nine states a run for their money.

I love that my friend avoids the trappings of soccer mom status by displaying a Replacements sticker on the back window of her minivan. And it works.

I love that every year our sports teams suck but we collectively think, "Next year we have a legitimate shot." Except for the Wild, who actually do have a legitimate shot, of course.

I love that a northern Minnesotan speaking the words "cubic zarconia" brings tears of laughter to my eyes.

Your turn....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love minneapolis.....
got my first tattoo there, then went bowling.

i can stand in a grocery line in my neighborhood and hear 10 different accents and languages, but there is nothing more musical than that Minnesoota twang.
yaa, yu betcha.

"I'm homesick for the home I've never had......"

10/23/2007 11:36 AM  

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