Saturday, March 01, 2008


I took the kid to see the Foo Fighters the other night and followed it up with this email to my sister. It's kind of dorky in a sappy sense of the word and possibly very confusing to anyone other than her, but the feeling was so powerful I figured it was blog worthy. I took some pictures at the show, but they were all blurry. Besides, I lost my camera cord so my pictures are temporarily stuck on that little card in there. This picture should suffice; just imagine instead of outside in Louisiana watching an LSU football game, we're inside in Minneapolis watching the Foo Fighters. You get the idea.

Foo Fighters rocked last night. I think Dave Grohl designed an
arena rock show around what he wanted as a kid; big guitar riffs, drum
solos and huge rock endings. It was super cliché stuff that only he could pull
off, mostly because you can see him laughing about how ridiculous and
wonderful the whole spectacle is.
Cutest quote of the night came from
Tiffer: He played drums for Kurt Cobain?! Jack had his first whiff of
pot post DARE training which was absolutely fascinating for him. And I
felt the full circle of rock which gave me an incredibly warm and satisfied
A few weeks ago I was listening to a Bob Mould interview on
NPR and I told Tiffer how cool it was. He was talking about influences and
how if it weren't for his musical heroes he would never have made it
to the point of being interviewed on NPR. I told her if it wasn't
for Bob, I never would have made music. Then one afternoon I played some
Husker Du for her and Jack and talked about the whole history of that band,
what they meant to me, what they meant to Minneapolis and what they meant to the music world in general. At one point I
played the song New Day Rising, in which Bob continually repeats the line "new day rising".
Jack asked if that was how I got the
idea for the Box 10 song Where to Begin, which I had never thought about,
but is probably correct. Then I played some Box 10 for them and talked
about how lucky I was to play my own goofy songs in the historic clubs of
such a cool city. Last night between songs Dave Grohl talked about what a
wonderful city Minneapolis is and how he used to play all the cool bars
like First Avenue and The 400 and how thankful he is to this city for
inspiration, especially Husker Du. Then he broke into his song Times Like
These that has the line "I'm a new day rising" right
smack in the middle. At that point I put my arm around my kid and
got a little teary eyed.
Full circle.


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